http://www.haoyongjixie.com 更新时间:2014/8/14 11:48:00
机床主要特点: The main features of the machine; 1. 机床采用立轴结构。磨削效率高 This machine is a vertical grinding and milling machine, with high grinding efficiency and accurate. 2. 工作台移动采用减速电机拖动滚珠丝杠。变频调速,调整方便稳定。 The table movement of this machine is driving by gear motor and ball screw , stpeless speed frequency control, convenient and stable adjustment. 3. 配上专用夹具可实现多角度缸体的磨削 coupled with special fixtures to achieve multi-angle grinding cylinder and head. 4. 机床铸件均采用树脂砂,变形量小外观整齐。 The casting part of this machine is resin sand casting, deformation is small neat appearance.